Now that that's out of the way, I hope we can still be friends.
As you may have surmised from the above, I'm a joker. I like to make people laugh, and there is no compliment that means more to me than laughing at my jokes. Bear in mind, they won't all be winners. Your willingness to laugh anyway is a testament to your generosity of character! (yes, I'm assuming you're laughing by now. Smiling at least? Well like I said, they're not all winners. Let's move on).
I love stories. I devour them. I love a good book, an interesting movie, a finely crafted TV show...anything. Someone once wrote that stories are the way human beings share their experiences. We live and learn and feel vicariously through stories. If that's true, it makes story a critical art form to the evolution of society on a grand scale. For that reason, and so many others, I'd love to make a living off my writing one day. That day may or may not ever come, but I like to think I'll never stop trying.
I'm gainfully employed in the meantime, though. I like my job, but I think it might be pushing it to say I love it, or that it fulfills me. And so I will find things outside the office to fulfill me

I've tried the more generic dating sites, but a geeky gamer girl is a rare and precious thing that is hard to find. Hopefully, I'll have more luck here!
If you're the kind of woman who wants to go to Comicon in San Diego, loves good comedy, and gets simultaneously giddy and a little sad when she hears someone described as "a leaf on the wind," then you just might be perfect for me. Am I perfect for you? Only one way to find out...
Happy Trails!